Xposure Podcast

Chairs, Chaos and Unity: A Unique Perspective on the Alabama Brawl

August 13, 2023 Xposure
Chairs, Chaos and Unity: A Unique Perspective on the Alabama Brawl
Xposure Podcast
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Xposure Podcast
Chairs, Chaos and Unity: A Unique Perspective on the Alabama Brawl
Aug 13, 2023

© 2023 Raw Material Entertainment
Hosted by: The Global Zoe, Eric Biddines & Drego Mill

Ever watched a brawl unfold and thought, what’s the silver lining here? Well, we’re about to flip the script. On this episode, we dissect the wildly viral Alabama brawl, not simply for the spectacle it was, but for the lessons hidden amidst the chaos. We delve deep, unearthing diverse perspectives and reactions. Sure, we laugh at the memes that sprung up post-fracas but we also ponder the subtler implications – a stark reminder of divisions, but also a testament of unity in adversity. We discuss the implications of such events on societal progress and the potential they hold for fostering greater understanding among diverse groups.

This isn't your typical brawl analysis; we get into the nitty-gritty of it all. From the surprising lack of gun violence to the unexpected use of chairs as weapons, we cover it all. We even offer some handy self-defense tips, courtesy of an expert. Amused, concerned, disappointed or enlightened - no matter how you initially reacted to the incident, this episode is bound to provoke deeper thought and perhaps a novel perspective. So tune in, for a lively discussion on whether this incident was a loss or win for society, and how bottles and bruises could possibly lead to bridges and bonds.

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Show Notes Transcript

© 2023 Raw Material Entertainment
Hosted by: The Global Zoe, Eric Biddines & Drego Mill

Ever watched a brawl unfold and thought, what’s the silver lining here? Well, we’re about to flip the script. On this episode, we dissect the wildly viral Alabama brawl, not simply for the spectacle it was, but for the lessons hidden amidst the chaos. We delve deep, unearthing diverse perspectives and reactions. Sure, we laugh at the memes that sprung up post-fracas but we also ponder the subtler implications – a stark reminder of divisions, but also a testament of unity in adversity. We discuss the implications of such events on societal progress and the potential they hold for fostering greater understanding among diverse groups.

This isn't your typical brawl analysis; we get into the nitty-gritty of it all. From the surprising lack of gun violence to the unexpected use of chairs as weapons, we cover it all. We even offer some handy self-defense tips, courtesy of an expert. Amused, concerned, disappointed or enlightened - no matter how you initially reacted to the incident, this episode is bound to provoke deeper thought and perhaps a novel perspective. So tune in, for a lively discussion on whether this incident was a loss or win for society, and how bottles and bruises could possibly lead to bridges and bonds.

Luc Belaire
America's #1 sparkling wine or Champagne brand, Luc Belaire exemplifies quality, heritage & style.

4 Cardinals Direct Primary Care
DPC is a membership-based health plan for comprehensive routine primary care health services.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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Speaker 1:

Let's roll with it. Let's roll with it. So, fellas man. Um, I know y'all seen the clip. It's viral, it's trending. It got different emotions out there. I see a lot of memes from it. But what do y'all think about the Alabama brawl Like? Has it come across your page and how did you feel when you saw the video?

Speaker 2:

Yo, I was like I felt, I felt, uh, I I was like, okay, black folks coming together, but I hate that. You know, I had to come to something like this for us to actually work together.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I felt the same. I kind of felt the same because I didn't want it to be white versus blacks, that narrative, right there's what kind of Made me feel like man. Are we? Are we going backwards or we trying to move forward?

Speaker 3:

obviously, in general it it looks backwards, but I I tried to look at something else to take to take into consideration. That brought a mutual respect that on one hand you see somebody that's like you in need of help, you go in to help Just just says on the other side both sides, when you you look, there was people trying to diffuse it, yes, but at the end of the day everybody Chose sides to make things fair, because it was it. The balance was off at one point.

Speaker 3:

Yeah and then you seen other people come in and fill in. Yeah say a this, I need help. I don't know, I might not even know y'all, but you look like me, you need help. You look like me, you need help. And it was just. It was. It was just a brawl out. It was sad, but I was in, I was impressed, just as I, just as we was impressed to see that black people came to help black people.

Speaker 3:

You're also seeing white people came to help white people, where the resonance was in that we all are here to help each other. That's the one thing everybody had in respect. And so when you look at the art of war some of the best generals they appreciated that. You got. You got excited when you found out what another militant group was able to do. Yeah, you want you admire some of their techniques and things like that like 300 and stuff like that yeah they, they get Aroused at seeing.

Speaker 2:

Activities like this.

Speaker 3:

So it's embarrassing to see the, the, the diversity, no, no, the division, yeah, but from Respecting the art of war, you was like man Y'all. Nobody pulled no guns out, right, that was. I was refreshing, yeah, let me.

Speaker 2:

Let me add on that real quick. Um, that's the part that I'm really happy about. Nobody got extra holes that God didn't give them and they were throwing hands like we didn't see that in a long time. I don't know people got seriously injured but they went back to throwing hands. That's the only part I was really excited about. No one really got shot. No one got shot.

Speaker 1:

I should say that Granted yeah, I guess the circumstances, I you know we in the club parking lot and I like that. So that was, that was good, that was good. And yeah, the young that was I think he was 16 years old swimming Across the water to the other side to come defend. You know the man that was getting jump. That was interesting man. That was a hole and you know most black folks can't swim. You know what I'm saying. So that was refreshing and I know everyone's asking for his cash app because everyone was like man, we're allowed to send him some money After that moment.

Speaker 3:

I definitely seen. I seen more. I took away from it more unity than I took away Division, because there was a misunderstanding I seen in the beginning somebody tried to diffuse it first, so everybody lit we on these boats, yeah, um, we turning up alcohol, alcohol. You know one person, the, the, that first blow Was like the, the kicks. It was kicks in the air and then it was punches going with the kick. It was not even, it was not even a Sober threat. It was just man, you on this, jameson.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what, what, what it was on and you Things to get out of hand. And then we tried to diffuse All right, we can't diffuse it a royal rumble. You're wrestling.

Speaker 1:

Yes, man, I Just man shut up. Like I said, I don't think no one got seriously hurt. I saw some bruises, I seen some cuts, I know them headshots. God knows what those can do From the chairs. You know what I mean. I know the chairs came swinging and all out there but, um, yeah, I don't think. But I know they're pressing charges and we'll see how it plays out. But uh, who pressing charges? Oh, some of the folks who got hit, you know, especially with the chairs. You know I'm saying this. I guess, I mean, I guess anybody can kind of press charges as long as you're struck. You know what I mean. You, you just go off on somebody, you stole somebody, you can press charges. What was?

Speaker 2:

you was telling us something earlier about the chairs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, um, I Think this guy is a specialist in self-defense and he was just saying, with the folding chair, don't like, once you fold it you make it flat, right, and you strike somebody, you know what I mean. Now that is a felony right. But if you keep the chair like an L, for example, like it's, if you're sitting on it and you just pick it up and you kind of approach the person, what the points Stands, it's not considered Uh, what's the word I'm looking for a deadly weapon. At that point it's not considered a deadly weapon. So he was saying almost use that to defend yourself or to even pin somebody. That would be more ideal Then folding the chair up and whacking somebody with it. So that was just a good tip side to for future, for future reference if you ever catch yourself in one of them. Situations and chairs are around. But man, that was interesting man. I saw the means, I've seen the memes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they were great Right.

Speaker 1:

I just seen somebody in the gym hitting a punching bag with a chair, like everyone's warming up with chairs, now using chairs. Man, it's, it's, it's iconic man, what I'm seeing going on with that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's gonna Bring us closer together Because nobody, it wasn't nothing anybody was proud about, so we had making the jokes. You got to make jokes, not make it so serious, right, but I would my opinion. I would like for us to look at and be like dang, we was kind of wild, we're not gonna do this, no more. Yeah, I want to hear, I would like to hear what the white people saying, because white people do a good job, job at not getting into stuff and making jokes about things like this. But I would love to get their reaction.

Speaker 2:

You gotta see some of the memes, man. You gotta see some of the memes, the memes. There was a couple of them, a lot of them. A lot of white folks actually spoke up.

Speaker 3:

Are they laughing? Are you taking a humor?

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, they're taking a human.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying, like. At the end of the day, it's cool that social media actually made it to something, I guess, that we can laugh about. And again, nobody seriously got injured.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but was it a win for us, though? Is there is this situation is there a L and a?

Speaker 3:

W in it, the, the W come. If we able to recognize that we was just lit and there was really no Um Racial motives there, like if you could look at that and not see racial motives, yeah, just seeing two sides Deciding to help their, their respected groups, then nobody should be offended by that.

Speaker 2:

Let's go, let's go back real quick. If they were fighting one-on-one, I think everybody was watching the man was getting jumped. That's when it's the situation change. Yeah, yeah, I think so too, I think, if anybody could have been anyone. Yeah it could have been anyone. If they're getting jumped, someone's gonna come and help. I think that's what. That's what a win is so.

Speaker 3:

The dude threw the hat in the air.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's the most you don't know as a white person.

Speaker 3:

They might be like he threw the hat in the air they come in so they're trying to get the the head start on it. It wasn't. It wasn't managed to where you was Like taking account, and we've we've seen worse in the in the hood people, five people stomping one dude out just for like. So it ain't. It ain't something that you can point to this group and say you In any group wrong when we see it happening. It, for it, looked like it was working out to kind of be as fair as possible.

Speaker 3:

You've seen people step in that didn't really want to but, it was like and hey, that's what, that's what we got to do. We have some. Some people was there, just to make sure it was people in the Miss ain't throw no blows, but they was like referring, like I'm looking at, I'm looking at stuff, I'm seeing. I'm seeing this, as I look at it, as organisms fighting to Defend, maybe of there was like an energetic scab in the area and then you had these, these organs.

Speaker 3:

There was just some tension in the air. That looker, do it to you. That's like the, the witch hazel, that's poured on this yeah the planet.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're gonna see a little tension. It it looked like it start to work itself out and yeah, that's that's how I was seeing it. I thought I would like to. I meditated on it and I had a Narrative in my mind that spent off, where they sobered up a little bit and they went and brought some beers over and it was like you know what. We didn't mean for this to go this direction. He was a little drunk and we know what was going on, but hey, we had to come through, for on then it was like a my my dive wasn't that on, on point that the one that jumped in water, but I swam across just because I saw the hat going to air and I think there could be some laughs. Yeah, so roll a few, smoke it out some. Maybe somebody hunch or something like everybody, just get it out, get it out the way and be like you know what we? We move past, we move past this absolutely, no, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And I mean I hope we also consider, just like we know, when we put our minds together, man, we need to see more that collaboration. You know what I'm saying, and we could do that beyond the fighting, you know me but beyond, like, throwing hands, I'm talking about business ventures, helping each other, families out, whether we don't get together's, or just anything. Man, like you know, fitness, health, mental health, we can, we can. You know, even on the Haitian flag, man, they, you learn, fit lot, force, right, you didn't fit like force. You talk about that all the time.

Speaker 1:

Unity is power. You know what I mean. It's right there on the flag and they, even when I think about Haiti, just you know, and I'm not saying one person can do it, but we need the artists, we need the musicians, you need the lawyers, you need the doctors, we need, just in general, we need everyone getting together to try to help each other man, that's just what it boils down to and that just kind of show me that maybe there's there's some hope and it's not too far away. You know, I'm saying I'm hoping more positive coming out of that situation. To your point, eric, I like that. I like that. Take on that absolutely.

Speaker 3:

People was laughing. So when, when there's a royal rumba and you able to make jokes, about it versus it going Very deadly. Yeah, it says that. It says to me that, all right, we getting over. We getting over some issues that gonna bring us closer together, like when those two brothers fight and then after that they best friends.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you're going with that. Yes, uh, yes, uh, now I'm on it. I.